Agency Execution Law School Students Of Unsoedagain held a nationwide event with the event format of a national dialogue with the theme of “Pillars of Nationhood Amid Crisis of National Leadership Regeneration”.

The event was attended by national resource persons, resource persons who are ready to discuss about the pillars of nationhood in the middle of the process of national and state.
Informant-speakers include:
1. Prof. Rubijanto Misman unsoed as academics;
2. Yusril Ihza Mahendra as an expert on constitutional law in Indonesia;
3. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X as a national figure;
4. Lieutenant General (TNI) Safrie Sjamsoeddin as deputy defense minister of the republic Indonesia; and
5. General (Pol) Pradopo East as the Chief of Police
This national dialogue event will also be filled keynotes speech from the head of Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR).
Soemardjito held in the building on Thursday, 15 December 2011 at 9:30 pm – finish.
The event will also invite a delegation of the law executive unit students Indonesia and the rest of the bond law student advocacy Indonesia (iamhi), elements of society and the general student.
A pillar of the national regeneration of national leadership amid crisis is a reflection of the end of the year to re-remind, explore and practice the pillars of Indonesia’s nationhood. The development of legal, political, social, economic and culture in Indonesia has become increasingly serious. In fact it’s becoming increasingly obvious concern when browsing on what is experienced by every Indonesian citizen.Namely the concept of nationalism has been waning, and the even more interesting is if where we lose sight of the meaning, the nature of nations and nationalities that will encourage dissorientasi and division.
This view seemed reasonable, and not making it up. In addition, the question arises why the recent insights into many questionable nationality. There is an impression as if the spirit of nationalism has become shallow, or eroded, especially among the younger generation. Then, whether the change of leadership with all existing systems are not able to make the pillars of nationality as a basic state policy in an attempt to present a solution amid the problems of society. Then, mampukan a national leadership and prepare the regeneration of the nation’s leadership is really ready to keep the nation in which the pillars of national commitments as set in stone that still must be maintained and run by all elements of the nation.
That is why UNSOED with  Agency Execution Law School Students Of UNSOED all the faculties of law as Indonesiaand the rest of the bond advocacy Indonesian law students gathered together for a dialogue to discuss the issue. Let us keep together for the progress of the nation’s pillars of nationhood and the state.
Student Life!