Unit Kajian Islam (UKI) Unsoed Law School Purwokerto  will host “National Talk Show” with the theme “Constitutional-Based Islamic?” Constitutional Interpretation and book Various Aspects of the Law “. The event will be held in the Faculty of Law Building Justisia 3 on Saturday, October 22, 2011.




Dr. Taufiqurrahman, S.H.,M.H

Head of Recruitment Judge / Judicial Affairs Committee Members

Dr. Eggi Sudjana, S.H.,M.Si.

Law Firm Eggi Sudjana & Partners

Dr. Noor Aziz Said, S.H.,M.S.

law faculty lecturer





Satrio Saptohadi, S.H.,M.H.



1. Rp. 25.000,00 (for students)

2. Rp. 40.000,00 (general)

 CP: 087826290223